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A portrait of my boyo Ailanthus for , who I never can have enough art of apparently!

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my drow rogue character from our dnd campaign!! she’s now a pirate. also she may be half goblin

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this drow woman came to me in my thoughts all day . her name is chicory and she gives love fortunes , love potions , and baller fashion advice . for very handsome fees obviously

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that poll was really about whether to dump these here...i stan 1 drow npc

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My drow keeps changing almost every session. He now has short hair, a chest eye, tiefling tail, has purple eyes and is now 'spicey'. Atleast he stopped getting shorter.

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AgentUnderdar's Orenthal for this time! This one is also a drowbot: An android made to resemble a drow, since our setting is not exactly medieval. In this case, he's a spirit of protection, but being used to kill

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Drow Asesino. No es nadie en particular, sólo quería practicar la escala de grises.

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Another D&D character I've been sitting on actually drawing for a couple... YEARS.
Elsabet Hexul, apathetic drow sorceress. Spends most of her time, lounging about, reading shitty fantasy comics and conserving her energy so she can turn reality inside-out.

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I made a pretty drow pop star the other day. His name if Fyfer!

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Happy Birbday to and his blue half-drow babies Raljin and Rel'An!

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Super intense session held by last week. Wanted to draw this short scene where my character Gwak barely caught 's character Shahyer after they got K.O'd by an angry Drow

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DOTA2-Drow Ranger, by ji zhang: https://t.co/GrZDxWZFhM

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I got into another dnd campaign that's starting later this week and did some concept-ish stuff with my character(Also hadn't painted in a hot minute so.)

Faust Klaide. He's a drow rogue, he's got secrets

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Aldaer for !! His drowbot is completly innocent and had nothing todo with Aosh's lack of arm <_< more ! I need to explain someday about drowbots, haven't really talked about it in twitter

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A really messy concept if my character Lucian had a form of that had been more like a patchy thing instead of his entire skin.

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Few things from DnD, a dangerous drow

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