Hii, thanks for the opportunity! 🥰

0.50 $ETH

0 1

0.01 $ETH

Hellluuuwww everybodyy ! it is I, Daddy Al

0 0

This is "Hypnotic Serenity"
it's my first work on ,my debut in this market😄
I'm a traditional artist immersing myself in digital art and I am very excited about it🥰
I appreciate the RT, thanks💞💞

1 1

“Next Stop…” (watercolour and procreate)

$ETH 0.3

3 5

Hello Isaac! This piece is called "Celebration", It was created to commemorate my first year in NFT community, and also my genesis piece on Foundation✨ (Sound on)
$ETH .5

0 0

Atlantis: The Garden of Eden
Current bid: 0.05 $ETH

1 2

0.2 eth
' She remembered who she was and the game changed ... Consider your heart a cocoon from which dreams emerge like butterflies to wander in the garden.'

3 4

“enter through the center”
2 $SOL reserve

4 9