Winters don't bother a strong yak like Yona!
Artwork is by marumo, find them below!

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lil tamersona doodle in celebration of and what i've decided on so far for kangarumon's line! gazimon's a bit more blue to match kangarumon's ears. haven't quite decided on a /baby/ baby tho they all have their charms

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I tried to draw Ranmaru...with kabedon XD I love practising lighting!!! <3

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favs of my sanrio fanart series 😙 hello kitty, pompompurin, marumofubiyori and gudetama 😋

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Tenshi ni Narumon! (1999) Scan / I'm Gonna Be An Angel! (天使になるもんっ!).

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Found out about marumofubiyori today

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🍑Happy birthday, Ranmaru!

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te de de de! tamersona reveal! (kangarumon not to scale)

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I Guess I’ll post here too since I alr posted stuff here HAHA twerk king MasA + haNYAshi and HaruMOE

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ハルモミジ( @harumo523 )と絵チャ!!

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marumoさん( )からバトン頂きました!

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I wish 'The Main Cast is a Found Family of Monsters' was enough to get people to let me hand them a zip file of Tenshi ni Narumon

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The official Digimon Twitter, , tweeted this hq images for KoKuwamon, WaruMonzaemon, ElDoradimon and Insekimon!!

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btw tenshi ni narumon is most underrated 90s anime ever which i've loved since i was a little kid 😭😭
there's a catgirl angels, monster boys, a lot of interesting chars

It's a kids anime but it's rly NOT... go in blind you'll be in for a ride.
Also there's gay angel boyfriends

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if i do 6 fanarts do i have to take requests because i just wanna draw stuff i like that no one else would like like care bears smurfs spirou and tenshi ni narumon 😞😞😞

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abigail williams (fate/grand order) by marumoru

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