She is unconscious. Kale saw it all. The anger turns her into a Berserker Player and in the next round of the game she goes directly to Broly and gives him a fist👊. And says: What the Fuck, stay away from MY Caulifla.
The Principals have made a bet.

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She is unconscious. Kale saw it all. The anger turns her into a Berserker Player and in the next round of the game she goes directly to Broly and gives him a fist👊. And says: What the Fuck, stay away from MY Caulifla.
The Principals have made a bet.

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Guts is a Furry
The Beast of Darkness is his Fursona
And the Berserker Armor is his Fursuit

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Après Prinz Eugen (Azur Lane) & Kuro no Berserker ⏬

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Entering a new campaign, decided to do some digital art of my new character. Meet Sahrotaar, the Dragonborn berserker!

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Ahead of today's Sakura-con Panel the dates for the next two events were announced!

I am unsure my savings will go unscathed as a certain 3* Berserker interests me & it might be hard to resist Voyager.🙀

Looking forward to both events. Can never be enough GUDAGUDA!😸

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Berserker is exhibiting fatherless behavior

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Here is the completed Jaina Breaker of Bones she was hiding for a while :3

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Character design commission for a visual novel of the Fate series 🤗

A powerful berserker with a ghost armor gauntlet... can you guess his name? 🐺🌕

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Berserker/Feral Event

Starts: Right Now—

Ends: ???

🍡: read this SL to understand this—

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Some concepts arts of the game.

Pic 1 and 2 are the Berserker Head item (player take 2x less damage for a moment) and the base monk concept art (who was modified to have more details in the game), made by Ardat.

Pic 3 and 4 are the Serpent and the Undead, made by Grigorii.

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- Âslaug [Archer] is the daughter of Sigurd and Brynhildr. She has forgotten Ragnar who was her husband. Ragnar Lodbrok [Berserker] has lost his memory and forgotten his true identity. The story will intersect the past events with the present ones in the Grail War.

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Fate/Lost Einherjar brief summary - 21st Century Scandinavia/Norway.

Master Name - Remina Eltofrom (spelling not confirmed)
Ragna - Class Berserker
Aslaug - Archer

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櫻井光跟三輪士郎合作的新作Fate:Lost Einherjar正式發表
主角是布姐跟西哥的女兒Archer雅絲拉琪,另一名從者為維京英雄Berserker朗納爾・羅德布洛克 又̶是̶夫̶妻̶檔̶

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Conceptualising some new Fakemon!

•Arketan Espurr and Meowstic, based on Freya, völvas, and shamanism (Psychic/Fire)

•Arketan Yamper and Boltund, based on Vallhund and Buhund (Normal/Steel)

•New bear 'mon based on berserkers (Fighting/Ground)

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If it works better, Strato's glow turns red when he's in "berserker" mode.
His visor also glitches out in this state, I just don't have anything to show it.

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2022 Daily Drawing 100

"Yeah, alright. Not my best idea testing my new taunt on a berserker..."

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