i did a couple screenshots of my trolls once :+)


4 19

making fake screenshots of my was incredibly fun 🤷 ill absolutely try to make all 3 endings cards lmao

4 27

Okay So The Rapsta Slamzy is 's version of them. and the last is a Warcraft troll Version I did Of Gamzee XD

7 21

More fanart!!! Pt 2!!
I wanna say almost done but XD. I likely wont put EVERYTHING from my other accounts, But I wanna put enough ^^.

10 29

Yehwoo Shahai, a purpleblooded assassin who's just not really sold on the whole clown thing tbh! he's fun, mischievous, and sometimes murders people on behalf of the empress!

i've been really into friendsim the last few weeks. its 2014 all over again.

6 14

[Homestuck FCs]
Uhh a few friends got back into homestuck cuz of the friendsim thing, and I felt like "Hey, why not AU?"
Just a quick thing of running 3 OCs into the extended zodiac test then drawing them.
"Noname" Wither, Dorefi Zephyr, and Tokala Coyotl.

2 7

uh i am tired but never tired enough for this fucking nerD

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