Hong Kong is no longer the vibrant city protected by Sino British Declaration.
Laws are distorted, election is postponed, pro-dem legislators are disqualified, dissents are criminalised with endless police brutality.

UK pls hold CCP accountable!

14 41

The Hongkong Legislative Council has officially disowned as a rubber stamp. The system of Separation of Powers no longer exists in After the fall of legislative function, will the judicial function be the next victim ?

3 5

Buen símbolo el de la Asamblea Legislativa de Hong Kong, reflejo de las dos almas del territorio

Muestra una L cursiva (de Legislative) mezclada con 立, uno de los caracteres de 立法会 (Asamblea Legislativa en chino).

Un hablante de cantonés verá 立, un angloparlante verá la L.

14 81

legislative rodent

3 10

Arcanine, Articuno, Absol and Aegislash. EZ.

(Galarian Birds being shiny locked sucks. they look cool ;; ) https://t.co/C2HVG9v8j8

0 7

Finally managing to draw my favourite Pokémon Aegislash correctly 😔👌

0 5

Hi Samma, thanks, thats very kind! I'm always available for work, illustration or character concept artist!
Portfolio: https://t.co/QwZg82Y2aK
Email: gislaineavila.com.br

Thanks again! <3

0 8

So, I hatched a little Yamask, why is she so goddamn cute... I already evolved her, so now my entire team is now shiny. Dragapult, Shedinja, Confagrigus, Runerigus, Dhelmise, and Aegislash. (A ghost type leader!)

3 14

Pokemons like Aegislash and Escavalier have a way cooler and knightly design

0 32

Here's my gal AJ, my oc trainer, plus gajinkas of Banette, Aegislash, and Latios and Latias. :)

0 2

The only way to keep this out of the courts, out of state legislatures, and out of the House of Representatives is to show up in absolutely overwhelming numbers and have such a huge margin of victory that these guys can't even pretend to dispute it! https://t.co/rZtzP5W0Q5

69 230

Johtonese aegislash concept and commission done by

Bonus concept art sketch done by

Ask anything at https://t.co/DLGFfFsv0i

2 13

Jerall y Meral
Meral es la tía de Jerall, una nacida incapaz de mover sus piernas, va en silla de ruedas pero cuando quema sus metales flipa la señora, toda una mami.
Jerall era un espía del Lord Legislador que tuvo una vida de mierda, pero gracias a su tía fue un good boi.

0 1

Tras muchos acontecimientos Aravis se volvió el caballero de Eric, ambos con el objetivo de derrotar al Lord Legislador.

0 1

Ghostie Sometimes itehelps having a LITERAL like along for the ride!

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681 - Aegislash
Type: Steel/Ghost

Generations of kings were attended by these Pokémon, which used their spectral power to manipulate and control people and Pokémon.

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I'm looking for a shiny Aegislash named Excalibur with the OT "Pikachu" and ID of 50746.

It's really special to me because I hatched it the last night I saw my friend before he died. We talked about how excited we were for ORAS and I'm still heartbroken he never got to play it.

146 137

We agree with Mike Thompson.
Maybe AZ Legislator who’s a member of the domestic terrorist “Oath Keepers” can comment?


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