Cain looks at Jooin as the most beautiful 🛐💖

12 62

Y pensar que Cain se arregló, se cortó el cabello, se puso linda ropa, lo espero afuera de la universidad y llevó a una cita, solo para que al final de el dia,después de que pasaran un hermoso tiempo juntos; le pidiera a Jooin salir con el💖

Dude, yo quiero a alguien como Caín😭

7 42

ya basta de enamorarme flaco😭💗

Tengo miedo de la respuesta de Jooin a Cain, pero sí el no quiere yo sí😝


4 38

esse foi de longe um dos melhores capítulos de ytc, e eu não digo isso só pelo cain. mas é onde o jooin sorri o capítulo inteiro, e não tem inseguranças em momento algum. ele realmente é feliz com cain :(.

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Amo como Cain hace a Jooin feliz

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2 14

// Yours To Claim Spoilers

Jooin being happy around Cain, and Cain willing to do anything just to make Jooin happy🥺 they really compliment each other😩❤️

24 88

it’s just the way seeing jooin happy is enough to make cain happy as well :((

79 620

Que lindo se ve Jooin sonrojado se por Cain 😭😭

2 14

I love how much Jooin heart’s at easy when he is with cain , he is playing, having fun , laughing from the heart like a happy kid !! 💗
It’s so rare to have a person like that in ur live !! 🦋🥀

9 41

ytc spoilers //

c: “I’ll become your closest/best friend. I want to be the dearest person to you. I really like you, jooin. will you date me/go out with me?”

102 809

Jooin also told Yahwi before that it's only been a day since they last talked so he needs more time to process things so let's also see how jooin is going to process the dog's proposal after they fucked (not even 24 hours have passed).

0 36

The next question is: will jooin finally see through the dog being broke facade or will he remain stupid?

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So in the next chapter, the dog will propose to jooin because if he waits until jooin is in the right mind, it might be too late for him so he has to grab the opportunity. Now the question is, how will jooin react to that expensive ring after rejecting Yahwi's expensive gift?

14 115

📕: 향현문자
🖋: 채팔이
🖌: 임애주
Cap. 58

입맞춤 la palabra en el cuello de Mukya 😚😏
Me encanta esa dinamica en la que Mukya cuida de Jooin pero tambien la pasan muy bien 😌❤❤

1 4

But it's the truth about it Cain: has a great ability to lie, never accepts his mistakes and is always the victim Cain always makes Jooin doubt his true feelings and always throws his own problems at Jooin so that she has a chance to get closer. Cain is a very good manipulator

25 113

Todas traducciones oficiales y la última lezhin español, en todas Cain supone y en la español lo afirma, no tiene sentido con los demas capitulos que vienen y lo que le dice a Jooin, cuando no estaba seguro y Jooin piensa que no lo quería besar 🙄

1 7

No words. Cain you had my heart since day one. The maturity of Cain is beyond this world… and then there’s Yahwi, who’s older than Cain AND Jooin yet acts like a toddler in distress. 😐

13 57