Amorphous shapes become water.

And a bent knee.

Expect more shots of this large commission. Working towards the finish line.

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Timeline canon engga, tapi kalo buat posting, aku ngikutin perkembangan dunia nyata. Karena format posting OCku kubuat semacam Fanclub update, nder.

Jadi kalau occassion tertentu, mereka update sesuai occassion itu. Timelinenya juga disesuaikan sama dunia nyata.

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You look like you need some radness in your life 🤌
These 2 go together with any couch. They will even brighten up your bathroom or linen closet.


3 25

Morning fellow travellers!

RENDEZVOUS now available on

All 12,000 pixels of it!

Scanned from an original oil painting
40" x 16", oil on linen

Details crops at 100%

55 441

Morning fellow travellers.. Roving into Monday here in Sydney!


40” x 16”, oil on linen

93 1185