Did some shipping art of genderbend Octavia and Vinyl to try and get back into the swing of drawing after a 3 month depressing break
Still need to get used to drawing again and using a mouse instead of my fingerX)

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I’m a mismatch girl myself, but I know there are lots of matchers out there! 🧦

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Lotus Koi 🌸🐟
Take a closer look 👀

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concept art de um perso q talvez eu use

tipico velho rabugento q fica na varanda ouvindo hank williams xingando as pessoa q passa mas q ama a familia e aponta sua espingarda na cara de qualquer um que mexer com ela

btw era p ser um coelho, mas a anatomia lembra mais uma lebre

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who needs Amy Rouge when you can have Pingas Rouge?

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¡Uala! ¡Me dicen por el pinganillo que el cómic de de la tuvo más de ⚡️1.000 descargas el primer día! Bájatelo ✨gratis✨ aquí: https://t.co/vxR4EvBdkI 📣Atención, profes: tiene enlaces a info complementaria y material didáctico✍️

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é pingar a grana que os primeiros a receber são os colaboradores

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Angel Dust enamel fan pin available for Pre-orders! Only need 25 pre-orders to get this into production! Like & share~ https://t.co/exsHfeFeet

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Got this Baby Yoda pin up for pre-orders on my Etsy! Only need about 25 pre-orders to get this produced! https://t.co/65cl2FR6el

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akuu, punya usaha kecilkecilan..
sampingan jd guru sukwan, masih awaal bgt nii..
semoga lancar usaha kecilku ini 😊

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