Happy Here's brand-new -supported research on air sacs in rebacchisaurid tails (free PDF) https://t.co/F3Khy3PfSE

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Karen Carr's reconstruction of the Lower Cret. Antlers fauna at Oklahoma Mus. of Nat. Hist. Need to add Arkansas' big nodosaurid.

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Celebrating Mesozoic Dromaeosaurid turkeys 🦃 from North America PRINTS: https://t.co/wO2YoAC2wg

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For - everyone's favourite pachycelphalosaurid, pachycelphalosaurus!

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Narial anatomy of the Mongolian ankylosaurid Tarchia kielanae from Arbour & Currie new paper: http://t.co/hzSpvnC3eO

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Argentinian silesaurid: Lewisuchus admixtus http://t.co/SOxbFbGHE6

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Sauropelta the nodosaurid (that is, members of Ankylosauria that lacked tail clubs)

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Wuerhosaurus! A stegosaurid that may or may not have had rectangular dorsal plates.

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Instd of generic Indominus rex, why not Cetaceasaurus? Fully-aquatic spinosaurid off-shoot

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Introducing Zaarapelta nomadis, a new ankylosaurid from the Nemegt formation of Mongolia! Congrats !

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Dahalokely once more, this time as an abelisaurid.

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