Bonjour! j'ai argumenter mets prix car aillent plus de bourse faut bien que je gagne un peut plus surtout que je prend plus de temps que avent sur mets dessin donc voila ^^
(pour les furry/ humain se serra 10 € de plus car je prend encore plus de temps ^^") Voila! :3

5 16

Série de paysages "Compte à rebours" (1/3) ⛰

3 12

Ennit garlic kievs were always considered a luxury reserved for dinner at my wealthier pal's houses. I'm really glad if working class dinners have any association to more fresh produce though from growing own, neighbours sharing or food banks, just knowing what to do with it too.

0 0

C’est ! Je sais pas si je suis legit à montrer mon taf comme ça, merci au 35 abonnés de me suivre. Je suis aide-soignantes de nuit en ehpad. le dessin est une soupape, j’aimerais un jour avoir un niveau qui me permet de vendre pour au moins rembourser le matos ^^

5 15

I’m playing Ren’s music in my room with the window open and apparently the neighbours are on their shed roof which is right next to my window so uhh,,, hope they like him

0 0

Beatrice Cuming 1903-1974 b. Brooklyn, New York, trained in Brooklyn & Paris, she painted in Italy, North Africa, England & Brittany before settling in New London, Connecticut & gravitating toward industrial subjects such as steam trains, power plants, harbours & factories.

42 212

Good luck to all undergraduates receiving their results today - and especially our volunteers! We hope you're all as pleased with the fruits of your labours as this chap is 🍷

2 19

"I don't know anymore!
Are the neighbours watching me?
Who's watching
Well is the mailman watching me?
Tell me who's watching
And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess
I wonder who's watching me now

23 38

there's also HAUNT OUT! set in a haunted hdb residence (somewhere in the east, because im an east coast kid), haunt out is about 2 neighbours helping out random ghosts around SG move on while trying to navigate their own problems and feelings about living and each other.

1 2

50 Nereids, daughters of sea god Nereus, & his wife Doris, an Oceanid were sea nymphs said to help sailors & fishermen who were lost or in distress in stormy seas. Most fishing ports & harbours in Ancient Greece had a shrine dedicated to the Nereids.

18 31

Je vous rassure j’ai pas demander de remboursement. Pour le reste je vous laisse juge de l’amélioration du dessin

0 0 The makings of this wee print/ greetings card by we are lucky. Our neighbours are great. I hope yours are too.

2 2

When the neighbours play loud music at 1am and your trying get some well deserved naps

0 4

Week 16 and we've come a long way with Studio Ghibli Saturdays in lockdown, through Whisper of the Heart, Grave of Fireflies, The Cat Returns, Pom Poko, My Neighbours The Yamadas, Only Yesterday to reach Ocean Waves. I loved Taku and Yutaka's friendship from the very first scene.

0 9

Member Level: PLAYER - Neighbours - Viking Rivalry (Keyframe) by Joshua Brenton from .

0 5

In Slavic and Eastern Orthodox Tradition it is believed that on St. Elijah's day (20th of July) he thunders with his chariot of fire in the skies bringing at times violent storms and punishing those caught doing labours especially in the fields.

11 27

Akashita is a appearing as a dark cloud with sharp claws, a beast's face & long red tongue. If rice farmers divert & steal water from neighbours during droughts, akashita punishes them by draining their water & snatching them with its long red tongue.


18 34

My boy DONNIE!! He's a hardworkin' happy little kid, very cheery and determined to the point of being stubborn- always feels like he's gotta prove himself to somebody. Has no idea that his sister and best friend are ALSO agents, so he harbours the secret of being Agent 4 alone..

6 52

My response to the second prompt - setting/environment. So this is (part of) the view from my bedroom window, mine and my neighbours back gardens.

0 4

J’ai pas d’emploi cet été et je ne suis plus boursière. Vu la situation je réduis mes prix, si tu veux un dessin de toi, de quelqu’un qui t’es cher, d’un personnage en particulier, demande moi donc. Je te fais ça pour 10€. Contacte moi par MP.
Merci de RT s’il vous plaît ⚔️💓⚔️

40 11