Lesbian flag but I colorpicked the colors from Squirrelflight
Art by @/ursiday

8 28

Non binary flag but I colorpicked the colors from Jolteon

1 6

pride flags but they're all colorpicked from mario

33 176

These are from last year where i started doing plein air fingerpaintings around Burbank on my phone with the earlyyyyy versions of (pre colorpicker and brushes 😱) so this is a continuation of that personal tradition.

(hey its your waterbottle lol)

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Kalo susah belajar teori bisa coba colorpicking palette artist panutan dulu nder wkwk nanti mungkin lama-lama bisa ngerti sendiri caranya dia make warna

Ini karyaku sebelum belajar colorpicking vs sesudah, aku belajar pake palettenya Alphonse Mucha

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lesbian flag colorpicked from beigguang

34 89

the trans flag but its colorpicked from erika

5 15

okay i just did 2 nonbinary flags colorpicked from klavier
idk :)

22 81

since i was basically colorpicking already: here is trans rights olympia for all your trans rights olympia needs

1 4

pride flags except its colorpicked from the cast

4 17

aka i wanted to colorpick butterdog, the dog with the butter, and add it to a flag i identify with!!!!!!!!!
the first one is the exact colorpicked colors, the second one is slightly hue shifted and it looks prettier....

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fankids.. :)

this is low effort & i just colorpicked from the parents but i had fun doodling em hehe

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Eu não uso ibispaint mas tenho uma dica pra lineart cllorida!

Se voce não tiver gostando das cores que você ta colorindo a lineart, você pode colorpick a area que você adicionou shading, pintar a lineart, e reduzir a opacidade pra 65-85% da lineart colorida

Vai ficar tipo assim

1 24

faço um colorpick na cor base e passo no "edge" das sombras, depois eu pego a cor da sombra em si e passo por cima daqueles riscos que fiz e aos pouquinhos faço como se fosse um degrade
e prontinho, assim que deixo o efeito que faço nas sombras

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36 147

trans flag colorpicked from this mudkip image

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oh u know just... some colorpicked skin tone palettes... for no reason whatsoever

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Pride flags colorpicked from Bandori cards~! Inspired by a conversation from the Bandori Quotes official discord server :D ✨🥺🥰🧡💫🌟💗🌃🌠

63 201

two album ocs down 10 more to go....... also colorpicking ToD just for his color palette killed me

3 13

had fun colorpicking the status update screenshots on MS Paint! here's a Ralsei !!<3

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