- 10
If you're looking for something a bit more cool, here's !

On the Basic Outfit Set, those black parts can be exchanged for white or gray! You can actually see it in effect in the previous one.

27 93

"we both know I don't matter"

"you matter to me"

56 215

- 09
Here's ~
Deltra here is reflected what would be a Sylveon is to !

Sadly said reflection doesn't have the same colors as Sylveon... and they actually don't look like one either...

38 177

- 08
It's Lorrin! ()
Honestly, they look really cool inside or outside the outfit set~
If you're expecting me to say something about the sword... I don't know what to say really.

24 108

{Distorted voice}: Hey, Adora~

My favorite Hey Adora and one of my favorite episodes in he entire season •w•

9 21

- 07
doesn't lose that bowtie even in his Basic Outfit Set. That's like their signature thing.

Other than that, even coins are not only used for silly trades in .

32 151