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Setelah kelar ngedesain sempet ikut rapat tetangga

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Update terkini, baru siap petang tadi gais.. Jemput RT gais, support kami gais.
Contact 0195426398 (shahnaz)
Email @ msa.shahnaz.com

30 17

Varian tsuyu art- I was doodling him and his goggles made me think of tsuyu lmao

6 13

Kata ibu-ibu tetangga : sering digendong bikin bau tangan


nobody asked

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3 55

Metagross line, mainly because it wasn't a Dragon for once

Specifically Metang tho

Can we have more unique pseudos? Please?

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Ok heres Reed’s ref

Hes Jaber’s twin brother and is trans and gay and stupid & He likes surfing, doing acid, and getting attacked by wild animals hes trying to detangle from plastic bags.

99 565

A personagem: uma garota que quer fazer animes e está super interessada no espaço a sua volta e criação!

A Sayaka, sempre em pose reta, rosto quadrado, olhos retangulares, corte de cabelo reto e um olhar de desconfiada. A personagem: é quadradona, mais pragmática. (+)

36 624

UPDATE: tadi tetangga ngeliat aku lagi di kolam ikan dengan wajah cemas karna banjirnya naik lagi. Kata mbak tetangga: "ikan ya? Tadi di rumah juga ada banyak tuh ikan-ikan kecil". ITU GUPPYNYA PAPA GAKSI ALSLSNKQKWLWKWJQK

101 681

Poké-non my version of the was described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The second image is the official on brand look on that Pokémon.

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Some new retro designs on my other art account, "InfiniteTango" for my and friends 🎨🎶😀 https://t.co/BcEVHoHUIj

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if anyone wants to know specifically i was thinking about metang. a very sad and forgettable pokemon. of course a lot of people like and remember metagross, and beldum too for being the first stage youd obtain it... but then poor metang in the middle cannot stand out at all huh

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Game PS 1 pertama yang gw maenin sama tetangga gw. Sampah bener ini game kalo game over ulang dari lv.1 lagi

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POV: elu ciu di pesantren terus ditinggal sodara terus ketangkep basah jawabnya ngawur

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Thats why he got airpods. He couldnt detangle his old ones 😔✊🏼 https://t.co/8cn8s2fcpt

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