SOBS NO HE'S SO CUTE I love him (not you Judai sorry I love this dumb cat-dad)

0 6

everything is fine and great! ... except one of us has horrid depression

0 8

SEE I SWEAR HE WAS WRITING AN E-MAIL... also he looks so mature 😢

0 5

lmao he's like, "I finally did it" but he probably only moved up because Judai won't come out of his fucking room, so he's like.... well FINE I'll just go on without you, idiot

0 4

lmao........ "various memories", indeed.... like being killed by your good friend and having your body used to seduce your crush. ah, good times...

0 6

god how long is it gonna be until WE see him smile I'm crying look at him.........pls smile

1 7

Yugioh GX isn't gay guys we promise it's just (rainbow imagery everywhere) it's just,

4 14

there he goes.........

0 8

haha (sniff) what a growth spurt for just one week

0 5

Op 4 says fuburyo rights!!

0 4

Ah yes... finally.... Op 4..... I know half of it looks a little rough but it's so goooood

0 5

wait I (backs up) I didn't post this super cute Fubuki I have failed

0 4

also I don't fucking trust this at all you really gonna come back and be all casual and smile and look happy when I know you're gonna be a mess LOL...

0 9

oh god oh good lord there he is........................ aged like 5 years in a week

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