I think I just have a weakness for antagonist who are suffering some kind of inferiority complex and try to cover it up by being hella flamboyant.

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Last couple of portrait icons for inferiorjest 🥳

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agora eh a parte delícia, a pintura 😋

começo pelo contorno do lábio inferior, cores mais vibrantes no meio e nos cantos tons mais claros
(duas pontinhas bem escuras no cantinho da boca também viu)

o pincel que eu uso mistura as cores sozinho, entao já fica esse efeito oh 👌

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More Portriat Icons for inferiorjest!

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Portrait Icon commission for inferiorjest___ via Instagram! Love this so much 🥺

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La primera es un diseño completamente nuevo para una criatura que jamás apareció en los juegos.
Manananggal, una criatura de orígen filipino que tiene similitudes a un vampiro, pero que su característica principal es que puede separar la parte inferior de su cuerpo.

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eu não sei o que é aquilo no canto inferior esquerdo

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El teocalli de la Guerra Sagrada tiene 2 fechas calendaricas en la parte inferior de la cara frontal, 1 conejo (1454-1506) y 2 caña (1507). La última ceremonia de fuego nuevo se llevó a cabo en 1454 bajo el gobierno de Motecuhzoma I. 52 años después gobernaba Motecuhzoma II. HILO

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I love the way Emile is glaring at Leonidas in this artwork.

I know it's probably due to his inferiority complex, but it literally just looks like he wants the pie Leo has. 😭😭

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It's with great pleasure SECOND SIGHT PUBLISHING has reach a deal with Casey Bowker and Ruben Romero to publish their series INFERI.

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The agave farmer
“Do solo viemos, do solo vivemos e para ele retornaremos” - oração ao mundo inferior

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宇宙人の劣等なユダヤ人の魂 VS 優秀な異邦人の魂
The Alien Inferior Jewish Soul VS The Superior Gentile Soul


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other way around

danganronpa doesn’t have miles edgeworth, dick gumshoe, or godot. therefore it’s inferior. https://t.co/wK5MfIk1Io

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personalidade de seus seres terrestres. Suas prioridades são muito mais profundas e eternas.

O eu superior de cada Gêmea está guiando o “eu inferior” de sua contraparte. Então, seu eu superior estará presente com sua chama gêmea como um guia espiritual em sua vida, enquanto (+)

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tbh i don't see many mitile fans that are solely fans of mitile? i see a lot of people who like various other charas & his relationship w/them. everyone thinks he's a sweet boy tho. somehow this is fitting for someone whose inferiority complex is going to kill people one day

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from: anon


“Dear Lena,

I hope you know that you are beautiful and no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Thank you for being born .”

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& would be best friend if they ever met , both are Magnet power Super racists who wear red that want to get rid of groups who they see are inferior (Magneto Humans , Neptuneman non Perfect Chojins)

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Ginro and Luna are very similar now that I think about it

- the hairstyle (gender👌✨)
- the "cute" one
- less useful than the average kos member and hence has inferiority complex
- used as comic relief
- Scared but brave when needed
- have "protective" familial figures
- simp

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It's that It's gross out Wario Ware Wario which is vastly inferior to greedy indiana jones macho wario

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