She's one of my first favorite female characters in videogames ever, she made me feel so powerful and had been using her whenever I played KOF for years, I felt so heartbroken when I heard I wouldn't see a cameo of her...

I'm still sad, jesus.

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i made cursed drawings of sushi and jesus. appreciate it.

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First attempt, and Pent volunteered for this experiment... Couldn't decide if Cherri should be there or nah, so have both versions... And next time I'll try another fruit...or learn how to draw kiwis.... Jesus.....

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About that guy who, you know, just fucking free-climbs El Capitan... No rope, no security, nothing. Jesus...

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Here's another sneak peek of De'von Stubblefield's piece for his solo show this Sat, 6-9PM, featuring his work inspired by his relationship with Jesus. Get the chance to see his animated work during the opening reception. To sign up for the online preview:

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“I’m the loser of the game you didn’t even know you were playing !”

Jesus...This fanart took longer than expected ...

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Jesus. it's taking me so long because of school and everything. I wanna die, tho it looks kinda good so... wait for it. the flatcolor is all done, I just need to shade this crap ;w;

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Ave Maria, cheia de graça, o Senhor é convosco, bendita sois vós entre as mulheres e bendito é o fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus. Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus, rogai por nós pecadores, agora e na hora da nossa morte. Amém.

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I can't believe I am that shy to raise my hand or call my instructor when I need them Jesus.

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Birthday of Saint Faustina (Poland, 1905-1938), through whom has spread the message of Divine Mercy of Jesus. Art: "Peace of Divine Mercy" ..Blessings of healing ~

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Oh god. fucking finally. jesus. uhhhhhhhhh I'm not really that happy with how it turned out, the coloring is all over the place, but uhh Ive been on this for days. so many days. I'm so done with it. also. water stains. how. anyway, this is for . u angel. ily

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Second Coming by , , Leonard Kirk, Andy Troy, and Rob Steen from

This months issue continues to stun as we see a bit more of Heaven (that food court) and learn the price of "old testament" justice. And Jesus... you just love him.


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i hate that this is an unedited panel. thats jesus. thats actually jesus

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Today, I finally attended a workshop by illustrator Yuko Ganpuku. Arranging the sample, a girl turned into Jesus. The key was using a masking fluid pen. What I learned will be applied in my future illustration and live painting!

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why do my dogs look like the fucking bee gees, sweet jesus...

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Cheers for everything bald Jesus.

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Já fez um ano que entrei no Twitter? Jesus...passou rápido! bem... Eu não sei muito o que falar, só é o meu aniversário de um ano no Twitter ^^; (um desenho aleatório para não deixar esse Tweet muito sem graça)

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