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Dylon: And our Lachlan isn’t either, surprisingly. He’s the deuteragonist.

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*she uses her anger to whack Evil Lachlan all the way over the horizon*

Unikitty: Whoa... I’m stronger than I thought I am...

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Lachlan: *he looks into it* ...*giggle* You’re so jumpy, it’s just Unikitty relaxing with a full stomach, probably after she and I pigged out at the Las Pegasus buffet. *he doesn’t know what really happened*

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Starlight: *giggle* Yeah, so- *CHOMP* OH! N-NOPE!! *she closes it*

Lachlan: What? What happened? I wanna see!

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Starlight: No, no, no! It’s okay! Uhh... h-here! *she showed him a more sweeter alternate universe*

Past Lachlan: *crying*

Lachlan: Hey... I remember that...!

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Evil Lachlan: *approaches the two, not knowing what Unikitty’s about to do*

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*suddenly, the cloud of fists disappeared as Lachlan limped backwards from Evil Lachlan*

Unikitty: *she gasps realising Lachlan was hurt, and that was enough for her to find her bravery again*

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Lachlan: Would be funnier if it was her butt rather than her wing.

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Lachlan: I think you’ve got that backwards, kid.

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Oliver: There he is, over there!

Lachlan: *he sounds like Johnny from Hotel Transylvania* Hey guys, what’s going on?

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Rainbow Dash: He and I already get along awesomely, he’s the cutest little dingo I’ve ever-

Shannon: *she suddenly spoke* A different Lachlan, from our world...

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*they look at Lachlan and Rainbow being an adorable duo*

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Lachlan: Hey!! *he pulls him back from her* You leave Unikitty alone!!

*the two dingoes brawl in a cloud of fists and shoes*

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Evil Lachlan: *pounces at Unikitty as she screams*

Lachlan: *grabs Evil Lachlan’s tail just in time* Oh no you don’t!!

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Lachlan: *jumps onto Pinkie’s cushion* And they FEEL fantastic too!

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Unikitty: Gah!! *she gets backed into a corner* P-Please don’t eat me...!

Evil Lachlan: *he just growls stubbornly, implying that’s what he’s gonna do*

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Gabby: C’mon, now we’ve gotta help Unikitty!

*meanwhile, Unikitty was flying as fast as she could to keep ahead of Evil Lachlan*

Music: (Bandicoot Pursuit from Crash Twinsanity)

Unikitty: *panting*

Evil Lachlan: *barking scarily, chasing her*

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*using the distraction to their advantage, Gabby and Gilda tended to the crusaders while Lachlan went after Unikitty*

Gabby: Don’t worry girls, we’re here!

Gilda: *untying them* Are you three okay?

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Evil Lachlan: *he gave Unikitty a glare that tells her that she just made a mistake and to RUN FOR HER LIFE*

Applebloom: Unikitty! Run!

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo: Run!!

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