This character I created thanks to my subscribers in the Russian application, and arranged a lottery with him.
Also, he's a sadist and killed his own mother.
"Mom?! Mom! You couldn't have died so soon!"

2 6

weird or cute if she ends up sharing poses and mannerisms with her mom?

i borrowed some hands and i'm coping with not being able to model my own. i'll figure it out, i'm just cranky

5 114

" Dad, how did you meet Mom?
- Oh I shot a soccer ball in her face on her first day at school "

12 51

My I interest you in a mob mom?
also if I get this I gotta make you something in return

10 93

"Aww did my little warlock run out of mana? Need to suckle off some of your demon mom?"

23 93

Do you think Max could be a good mom?

Credits: Driggor (DeviantArt)

12 38

Ara Ara Noble-kun you want MILK from Mom?

5 128


I see.

*He doesn't know why, but now that she's in a human form, he feels like he's having a parent-teacher conference about shirou with his parents.*

So, uh... Should I refer to you as Miss Grail? Ms. Emiya? Shirou's mom?

0 0

😻Do you love your mom?😻

Sticker Set
These will be available at this year
I'll be at table D-357

2 14

//choking, blood

“Hey Sparkles... Aww, where’s your mom?”

366 1650

Yeah man, I watch SU. You mean the show with the trio of characters who fight oppressive tyrants and their corrupted kind by summoning weapons from some sort of gem, and the male lead who has a missing mom? A show also well-known for its off-model art? Yeah, I watch that.

379 1059

Je m'ennuie
Repris du fameux screen de "Do you love your mom?"

2 8

idk who this is... a cute mom??

27 272

emerl! lol who dresses you your mom?
yes his mom

1 10