Henry's acceptance means so much to Hook it makes me so emo

39 126

When she told her family her secret she made it a point to speak directly to Killian as if it was just them 😭

18 52

Four swashbuckling years of Captain Hook on - here's a painting to celebrate!

117 311

- Episode 6.05 - Street Rats - Promos, Sneak Peeks, Script Teases, Promotional Photos & Press Release https://t.co/wzw9JQ3LtT

12 22

"You brought me home." New painting <3

231 464

I'm so happy to present you my new drawing of the Evil Queen- - 🍎 What do you think about?

25 82

"Perhaps I do deserve saving after all." New painting!

101 248

Captain swan meets bellarke because.... why not

1 6

"Forbidden Fruit" - hope is already part of her. She just needs to turn towards it.

24 75