Perdidos numa ilha? OwO, gostei da ideia então fiz, e aproveitei e coloquei um amigão meu pra me fazer companhia ^^

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owo, it would be so cute! Only sfw tho uwu

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OwO, what's this? Pt.3

2 15

Oh crap I'm dumb and just realized I never publicly thanked for these amazing emotes that she did that have been on my channel! They are excellent and I love them! From top left: manicBirb, manicHi, manicOwo, manicApproved, manicUwU. Sorry for the late thanks!

3 15

I was bored so I drew Terrence a.k.a.

*notice you have a buwge* "OwO, what's this?"

0 6

owo,owo,son 100? de verdad? jeje,no me lo puedo creer

2 8

[ your presence makes me happy ]

can't sleep so here's a fluffy shirin doodle owo, i just think rin is the happiest when she's with shirou.

7 33

OwO, 's Raico being seductive at the beach wearing his tank top favorite band! ≧ω≦

2 20

Ya casi 22 owo, feliz cumpleaños a la Nico Nico Nii Nico Yazawa

1 12

New icon time WOOO I love drawing OwO, she is babey

2 5

Segundo Badge Digital terminado para
, un reto nuevo el dibujar zorros owo, espero no haber cumplido las expectativas para un mago

La magia no solo esta en la carta

5 20

Había olvidado enviarlo, me encantan este tipo de retos porque me pongo a prueba owo, dibujo más rápido y eso me ayuda muchísimo a mejorar qwq, debo hacer esto más seguido uwu~💜💜💜💕✨✨

3 8

(le dernier est un troll lol) Bon, j'suis une artiste de 17 ans héhé, j'sais pas trop quoi dire d'autre QwQ. Dans mon art, les choses que j'aime le plus faire c'est sûrement le croquis/lineart et le coloriage de la peau owo, voilà ! (: j'espère que vous aimerez mon travail !

5 16

owo, is it the fourth already? good.... happy birthday america!

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Oh, so I could still request? owo, in that case I have a child- if you want-

0 2

drew my oc owo,
i need to name this child lmao

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No sé si tienes espacio, pero te voy a hacer dibujar a Mer

0 2

Well!! Here we go I guess .. soo this fan art goes to for those who doesn't know im a big fan of this game like .. this maybe my second fav game on my games list OwO,, SO HONESTLY !! .. hope u enjoy it (>w<) ❤//..

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