New finished picture I did, commissioned by TainousFire (on FA) featuring his OC mighty Bull named Train...who looks surprised to meet you!

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I found the perfect babushka reference photo and couldn't pass it up. Sassy Manya is sassy

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Some of my favorites got lost in the crossfire but here's a rough list.

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Our half orc druid mama - Manya!

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Manya sketching. Wanted to give our mama drood some love.

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Cool down sketch (in other news, I really miss D&D and can't wait until fall.)

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My color quest continues!

2 - a misfire luiger

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Cool down sketch of Judgement Day herself, Manya of the Misfires. We love her, but she also kinda scares us.

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other faves!!!
Ocean By Ocean: Big Ideas, Let's Disappear
Low Kii Savage: Gold, Feels
Sincerely: Crossfire
For All We Know: Girlfriend

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1866, 1:45pm- Engineer, Parkin Jeffcock, received a telegram stating “The Oaks pit is on fire. Come directly.”

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Sure, I'd love to be caught in the crossfire. ^^

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Hey! Here's a preview of a contest I'm participating in on CrossFire!
Yeah, it's still messy, but then again, just a preview. ;)

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I just had to do a full portrait of the group I DM. The Misfires! In all their glory!

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FEATURE: Why It Works: Girlish Number's Insult Crossfire

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VROOM VROOM! Check out our cover by Bill Sienkiewicz

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