【メタ】 Liquidhearthの「デッキパワーランキング8月版」が公開。BRM最後のランキングもPatronがトップ。TGTリリース後はどのようなデッキが登場するのか楽しみです。http://t.co/Axf7SfGTYB

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I have a great deck idea for Aviana to put on my channel I can't wait for

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Movie date
Ice cream date
Bought a puppy tgt
And of course those loving stares

this is trmd in real life

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Inspired by patti's twitter drabble of minyoon taking baths tgt haha

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The link between ace and base <3

combined tgt forms a house;)
a warm house with a big family inside <3

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'A partridge in a pear tree' illustrated for the team at TGT Legal.

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