Before I go afk, I wanna tell you guys that if you want serious RPs with charas that hits the canon personality, go follow these amazing people!

The Jotaro and Kakyoin are underrated. They deserve more follows !! >:(

1 6

Kid Icarus Uprising, because it is WAY too underrated. The Game has lots of voiced lines and the Characters are lovable. Gameplay is fun, it uses the Touchpen to aim and the rear Buttons to shoot. Can be very challenging and it‘s cool to combine different weapons and abilities.

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If you haven’t watched Eureka Seven pls do it’s so heavily underrated.

2 10

A THREAD of the cartoons I don’t want to forget!

(Some of them are UNDERrated. I seriously think they deserve better!)

2 10

Ash's AG team is mad underrated. Like yeah I loved Pikachu and Sceptile before, but Swellow especially stood out as his best regional bird, Glalie, Torkoal and Corphish were all weird choices but were fun in their own ways. Glalie was shafted though

8 86

Speed Racer redraw! This was my favorite show as a kid. The live action movie is also incredibly underrated.

5 35

Hey ho lemme just put this here in case i sleep early tonight. Happy Anniversary Monsta!! Wish you all the best! And yes i love. Underrated. Series. AND WHERE IS STOPPY???

12 51

Skara is severely underrated.

7 31

Speaking of older art, cold-warm contrast is hella underrated. Here is a cover that is prolly around that age too. ♥️💙

14 60

callisto yew is criminally underrated...... probably cus she has a 5head or something. or maybe just because shes from a spinoff series LOL

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Goldfish are so underrated... but we love them so much.
Same drawing, two different messages, in magnet version.


1 2

Currently I'm reading a sports webtoon about extreme biking called WIND BREAKER and it is now one of my favourites. It has it all; intense races, beautiful story, amazing characters and the art is fkn gas. It's illegal for such a goated sports webtoon to be this underrated.

4 21

Sphinx from might be the most smug-looking game protagonist there is, but I always thought he looked cool! That game is criminally underrated. I just finished it on Switch!

1 5

PawPaw's facial reaction here is so underrated.

By the way, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps and their loved ones♥️, currently at a discount price of 2k only. Send a DM to also have yours done. Check my profile to see some of my other works.

0 4

ryphorians/triaxians are so underrated. This is my alien catgirl, she's a brat who thinks humans are just so fascinating.

4 7

1) Nightwing - obviously.
2) (Teen Titans) Thunder and Lightning - Not a lot of Vietnamese superheroes, lets update them.
3) Forager - Very underrated. Deserves so much more FOR SAVING THE UNIVERSE.
4) Batman - Knock him down a peg and actually have him care about the Batfamily

0 1

Colour: Lavender

Wow I never realised how few characters I know with lighter purple hair

Shinoa was the first I thought of, second best OnS girl

Miku I love because I love her music. And shes funny

Raphiel is amazing. Idk if I prefer her or satania

And Cordelia, underrated.

0 6

the creator of was forced to cut it's 24 episodes to 12 and still managed to make it so beautiful. He did not had the chance to even complete the 13th episode which made the ending such a great CLIFFHANGER! i feel sad. it is such a great anime yet it is underrated.

21 35

Now that it is almost Halloween, it's high time to start talking about RPGM!

I've always thought games were vastly underrated. They already released two very well-polished and engaging games. PD & Turovero links:

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