“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~Aristotle

536 689

gonna try doin daily sketches because I trust and his wisdom. Queens Tomb.

1 9

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

4 11

Athens is named for Athena, the goddess of wisdom. And the Parthenon is dedicated to her! >^..^<

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looking for wisdom...# art. # wisdom

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A little wisdom.

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AFYA1303: Make art as if analogy lies at the core of the apple of wisdom.

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"Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” ― Socrates

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"All that man is is because of his wisdom. All that he shall be is the result of his cause." - Thoth

40 45

dispensing wisdom... and the the force!

1 1

オプラ・ウィンフリー(米国の女性テレビ司会者、女優 / 1954~)の名言
Turn your wounds into wisdom.

1 5

PSA for all undergrads: the difference between and

0 3

It's tough being the goddess of wisdom.

15 81

Alex speaks some words of wisdom.

18 10