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[Fanart] EXO-M under blanket and eating patato?!? so cute... ^w^ ♥ //CR:3232yes

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Jessica at Running man cute...... cr: Runningman FB

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So cute... fifty shades draw

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a fan draw it. cute...isn't it!?! : )

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U so Cute...I draw lovly short of U and Seungri in Alive Tour at Thailand.[Im V.I.P Thailand still love U]

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lol I won't say what I'm thinking about this fanart.... though it's cute... XD

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I don't really say stuff is cute....... But this is kinda cute

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[Fanart] JaeJoong new tweet :"> so cute... Cr: astagged

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[Fanart | Do it chu] Sehun & D.O scared with typhoon.. cute... ;A;

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