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I was experimenting but really I just wanted to draw Adora

32 119

no shade to she ra crew😳😳i just like bangs 😳😳😳

13 41


“She was brave, my Mara.”

269 678


This season of was so good! So emotionally painful! But so good!

I hope Scorpia gets lots of hugs from friends next season. I love her and it's what she deserves.

1 2

Wouldn't it be nice if they just talked out all of their frustrations? But let's face it, the path to redemption and bonding will be painful and we'll love every second of it

317 1173

my tender lesbian heart!!!!!!!

47 164

Semanas dificiles pero al fin pude hacer algo! aprovechando la inspiración de la última temporada de <3

5 11

Some fan art based off cosplay from and . Looks like Adroa has turned the tables on Catra... and she doesn't mind.

1 14

"I'm so sorry."

I really wish we'd gotten this scene, I can't wait for these two to reunite.

87 331

I love me some Scorpia character development 🥰

0 3

“I never wanted to be a hero. I won’t be remembered as one.”

Here’s Mara and Lighthope ! I lw ship them 👀💖

3 17