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(I'm getting the hang of these MARKETING tutorials)

-Do you like good games?
-Do you breathe?
-Do you sleep?
-Do you enjoy memes?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then buy Primordia!
it's on sale!


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Primordial sea?
Heaven or hell.

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OPEN / 18:30 START / 19:00



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some I've done recently, VaporeonxPrimarina and BraixenxMegaAudino were part of a forum game "Design a pokefusion to the user above you" Primoreon is what i gave and Braidino is what i received, the ScolipedexNoivernxLuxray was part of a personal trade w/ a friend!

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Cool piece of Primordia fan art from !

Gallery here: https://t.co/HIRDgfcBmg

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ahhhhhhhh, obrigada. eu também imprimo nesse mas fiquei na dúvida se tinha alguma outra qualidade melhor. 💕

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Les Primo-Résurgences dans la sixième génération (oui je mets Méga-Rayquaza ici, c'est MON thread !) :

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Regalo para un Primo :3, queriendo dibujar a su..."fusona" '^^r , y su personaje de smash favorito (su main) basicamente

( ^ u^)

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FOTO DE FAMILIA. Incluido el primo tonto de America.

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Oggi compie ben ventidue anni quel gioiellino noto come Final Fantasy Tactics. Il primo gioco di ruolo tattico della serie, pubblicato per PlayStation nel 1997, vendette oltre due milioni e quattrocentomila copie.

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OPEN / 18:30 START / 19:00



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Seth Housamo is like primo twink...and I kinda wanna give him a belly

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Dur dur de trouver des jeux pas déjà cités. Ma première claque : Killer 7. Et plus récemment : Transistor et Primordia.

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Magwayen! 🌊☠️
The primordial deity of the endless ocean and the Underworld. Kaptan, God of the Sky, was her counterpart, and they fought viciously. She threw hurricane waves so high they reached the sky. They calmed down to become friends and eventual lovers.

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