画質 高画質

"Photosynthesis? Nah, screw that noise. From now on, science classes must teach EVERY VARIETY OF BULLSHIT, EVER."

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working on my thesis main character! developing a style and stuff :|

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On another note I have thesis topic presentation in 3 days, GG X-mas!

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色はカッコの対応で使ってしまっているなぁ(rainbow-parenthesis) 形状とかBG色を使えば良いんだろうか

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ありがとうございます! このように掲載させていただきました。
C87(冬コミ)サークル紹介:SYNTHESiS DESiGN

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Tomorrow is the big day! Here is the promo poster for Voyage

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Another pic from my masters thesis game project! Some ruins and foilage, woo!

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Got frustrated working on my thesis so I painted Freddie instead. Reference photo was used.

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A couple of crops from my thesis work so far : ) My veins are currently full of redbull.

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I handed in my thesis! So have some quick landscape studies while I tidy up my life:

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I'm working on my character for my bachelor thesis. :)

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When you've had geography history and english with a sub this is what you get.

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C86 3日目ゲスト情報まとめました。

東ミ-09a ホリゴタツ
東シ-40b I.S.W
西よ-08b ソクシコンボ

27 26

【告知2】ミツナリさん主催のぼーかろいどごはんシリーズ第三弾パンケーキ本にもお邪魔させていただいております「3日目東ヤ-60a:SYNTHESiS DESiGN」ですなにとぞ...! http://t.co/RjfWuemB11

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Discussion of my thesis: EXCELLENT!!! and brought me good luck! :)

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"Chinese Broccolini Torta" is a synthesis of two complementary parts becoming one. https://t.co/KxI87mv7bc

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Synthesis by Inspired by Spherikal by Ion Lucin. http://t.co/7DMo1a21cC

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Last first day of classes tomorrow! Thesis year, here I go!

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