Thank you for drawing this AMAZING drawing! Candy is adorable! <3

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New artwork by technocorner70! Thank you, Lillian looks great!

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More art, this time by brumskii! Thanks, it looks great! :)

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Another image, thank you lintangwijaya! (not on Twitter)

Very cool!

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12 more days to Here's a preview of Elizabeth's costume this year:

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The Ricochet looks so cool! Thank you pocolla (not on Twitter) for this drawing!

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artwork of Candy by Bboykhalid, he does not have Twitter unfortunately but here is his amazing drawing!

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13 days to are you ready?

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Another AMAZING drawing by ! The Ricochet looks so cool! Thank you for your amazing work, hopefully will continue to make amazing artwork for the Candy community!

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As some may know, Seasan is hard at work on Poster a massive project with over 30 characters! Here is a little preview, an unfinished character from the poster. It's an alt-universe Elizabeth! <3

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is on it's way, and amazing artist is working on this amazing drawing where Candy, Elizabeth, Jessica, and, the Ricochet of all people, go trick or treating! Here's a sneak peak of Candy's costume, can you tell what it is?

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Thank you for this FASP 1.0 image! It's adorable! Look out for new artwork coming, FASP 2.0 is already underway!

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Thank you for this FASP 1.0 drawing of Torbeth! She's so cute! And good news, she's drawing for as well! Stay tuned! <3

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Are you ready? Starting now, leading up to Halloween, you can look forward to daily Halloween themed posts! For now, here's Jessica dressed up!

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Continuing the hype for here is another FASP drawing from the first round in August! The artist here does not use Twitter unfortunately, but you can see more of her art on Instagram!

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Another FASP 1.0 image, this time by ! Awesome artist! Elizabeth looks so cute in Buurd's style <3

Keep an eye out for new artwork will begin to roll out later this week and I'll advise any FASP 2.0 artists who use Twitter to tweet using hashtag

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...not sure how relevant this meme is now, these things go viral then die so fast. But for anyone interested, here is how Candy would look if she wore the

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