I still don’t know if I like this c!sniff design but it’ll work for now
Rts are hot

6 20

official good morning twitter i have some quick c!sniff art bc i think they're cool and cryptic and i wanted to practice some speedy digital painting :O

17 57

shhhh he's taking in the beauty of nature!

12 117

new bearsmp head cannon that Lard is taller than Bear

33 635

the new skin gives them a whole other vibe and I am all here for it

13 219

a shitty shirt design for that one shirt concept that bear made up on the only stream that i’ve been able to catch

4 60

a quick phone doodle of bear for :D theres another drawing im working on for him :]

3 25


↳“A girl who stumbled across the, at first, empty town. Full of joy and optimism, she tries to befriend anyone who moves in.”

27 255

practicing some light and shadow stuff with c!Aimsey and c!Bear lore

9 390

this precious soul? a murderer? idk whatchu talkin abt.
anyways, it's not too accurate but here's some art of bearsmp character!
i love c!moonzy already!

17 315

u think the bearsmp needs another hell dweller i’m offering

1 20

yea, Dee and i spent like 3 hours in a call drawing Lard just because we could. i have no regrets.
Lard my beloved. anyways-
come get your wife before i snatch her up

12 279

when the vaccine hits hard but bear saying he would read your fanfic for 130 subs hits harder. (pls check your discord dms sir 👀)

0 6

(does this count as

7 37