Mewwwwyyyyy Chriiistmas! (In some countries,)
Wow, America, alot of people sure wanted you as their gift! Hehe...

Sorry for no USAMEX content, I didn't have time so I tried to make up a simple drawing for christmas.

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Lo publique en mi facebook y voy a publicarlo en mi Instagram jeje... Es centro... Así me quedo... 👉🏽👈🏽♥️ Feliz navidad por cierto :)

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Los roles me hacen querer hacer garabatos de él cada 2x3 así qué- perdón- 𓃠♡


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JAJAJAJAJA México es un poco... descuidada con su apariencia física "humana", porque es común para ella el llevar el torso descubierto y ahora que posee piernas no le resulta diferente.

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These are some drawings from the video I'm working on
I will finish it soon XD

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hug each other(/^-^(^ ^*)/

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Upload her works instead of my friend

I’m Seiga from China,I asked my friend to post some original fanarts on twitter.The picture were translated(sorry for poor English)to let you understand.Enjoy^ ^

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