(("okay, okay, one more kiss 💚"))

297 980

(("pff, even while asleep, he still wants more kisses...💚"))

327 1026

love shizun💕💕...mgmhmm...zzzz...💕

220 833

wuuuuuuu...!! cuddle shizun!! love shizun!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

(number 400!!!)

269 958

shizun isn't putting bingpup down to walk...? shizun will keep carrying bingpup? 💕

413 1457

ehehe~ bingpup is so happy to be back with shizun!! 💕💕💕💕 shizun shizun 💕💕💕💕💕💕

309 970

'ultra rare mystical bird'..? shizun means mommy birb? bingpup just helped baby birb, so mommy birb helped bingpup get back to shizun!

257 1118

oh!! thank you mommy birb!! bingpup is home now!!💕💕💕

336 1211

shizuuuun~!!!! bingpup missed you!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

549 1666

shizuuuuuuuuun~~!!!!💖💕 💕 💕💖💕💕💕💕

613 1777


402 1367

--to shizun--!!!! SHIZUUUUN I CAN SEE YOU~~ SHIZUUUU~UUUUN~~!!!!

320 1139

you'll bring me to -- OH there there!! let me drop there!!

98 485

mh? as a gesture of thanks, you'll...?

75 446

oh, you're welcome! bingpup was happy to help baby birb!!

92 498