Black Hat is never going to approve of the adorable little squish but he is not go---- BLACK HAT NO

139 968

【Snake and Villainous】p6

Flug:I finally found 5.0.5, but he is in a dangerous situation now. What should I do?


16 115


Sorry, I don’t know what to paint recently. They are all graffiti and draw a Dr.Flug to show what I am.

19 103


Let's be honest... we all feel Demencia here. 😩👌

82 616


Ow man, you don't wanna chase that dragon. You really don't.

69 560

Well, Flug has survived for this long already, he will be fine here as too!

...I hope.

143 892

【Snake and Villainous】p5

Finally, I chose to do things for him.

It is his unique charm that attracts me.

最後,我選擇為他做事。 是他獨特的魅力吸引了我。

20 165


Looks like Black Hat got another one into his claws 👀

84 596

【Snake and Villainous】p4

“I will give you two choices.”

“Either you work for me, or become a part of me.”



14 97

I wanted to wait before I post the next part but... I just reached 1,111 Followers here and 3,000 on instagram so.. I MIGHT AS WELL TREAT YOU?! HERE YOU GO I HOPE YOUR DAY IS AWESOME 💜

95 677

【Snake and Villainous】p3

Hognose snake-Dr.Flug, with his special skills [Play dead], want to escape.

Obviously, he failed.

hognose snake-Dr.Flug,用他的特殊技能【裝死】,想逃過一劫。


15 109

Here you go guys! So the next part begins and Demencia finally has her big entrance! Flug is in some serious trouble 😬

109 702

【Snake and Villainous】p2

A delicious white snake is in front of you, how can you let it go? How can the white snake being rushed out of Black Hat?

美味的白蛇就在眼前,怎能放過?而被逼急的白蛇,要怎麼脫離Black Hat?

12 93

Here is the little bonus part of Flug meeting Black Hat!
The reason for Flug wearing the bag is a lot less exciting than you all guessed it would be 🙃
I hope you still enjoy it and then.. DEMENCIA TIME

90 584

【Snake and Villainous】p1

Ophiophagus hannah in a black hat was on the road and heard the sound.


31 204

Happy birthday DR. Flug 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎁🎂🎂🎈hope all of your wishes come true

4 13


Lamento que sea algo tan bobo como esto xD

4 21