Finished some art of my current favorite Oc Ezio ! He's such a cutie .

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I do indeedy, I have this portrait I never finished and one more recent speedy of a young Ezio:)

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Altair and Ezio looking badass in Assassin's creed 1, 2, & Brotherhood

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Ezio Auditore
Firenze: 30/11/1524 - 30/11/2014

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young speedy. 3.5 hours

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Happy Birthday Ezio!! XD

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Happy Birthday to the legendary Ezio Auditore da Firenze!

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On this day in 1459, "Il Mentore" Ezio Auditore da Firenze was born

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本日6月24日はエツィオのお誕生日!プラチナゲームズの西井智子様よりエツィオのとってもキュートなお誕生日イラストを頂戴しました!Tanti auguri Ezio!

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