新しく描きましたo(*^▽^*)o また会えるよね!KARA FOREVER!

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¿Os gustan los webcomics? En "La Luna Solitaria", de , una niña de 9 años es exiliada por ser problemática https://t.co/oT7XNPS4Y4

11 13

Giant illustrations of Homer's Iliad by Cy Twombly

11 19



70 86

Alter's bandmate, Iliad Clover 🍀 songwriter/bassist.
His friends call him Id. Alter calls him Iliad, or Clover.

10 48

TBExChilLx shared the Grand Theft Auto V photo Mount Chiliad http://t.co/j5P9EYpRdz

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Eric Freeberg's cover for The Iliad is truly captivating http://t.co/EEfWtt1YcV

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No man or woman born,coward or brave,can shun his destiny By Bouguereau :Homer and his Guide

17 23

pixivに投稿しました Remiliadoll http://t.co/CCQ5OONHRw

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Homer for kids in delicious vintage illustrations for the Iliad and Odyssey? Yes, please! http://t.co/GhZg43ZczZ

14 22

Denis Bezmelnitsin - "Iliad - The Exploits Of Diomedes": http://t.co/GIzA3CneuN

19 32

Here's something I've been working on and off on for the last few weeks - The Iliad:

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