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Glenise uses shapes and colours to create the energy of the Pacific Islands - hear the singing and laughter!

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tf is wrong with manslaughter? are men not allowed to laugh?

blood cw

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i made more and learning about the fierce deity mask made me cackle in laughter

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she actually started out orange/brown like a giraffe but I accidentally changed her entire color palette with the color balance tool and now she ourple.

she’s also the man behind the slaughter but that seems unimportant

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A juicy peach is a gift, especially in winter. Sweet memories of warmth and laughter linger on the tongue with every bite.

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expression laughing hard (like laughing with a bellyful of laughter give the feeling that you are laughing so hard that tears come out of your eyes)

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A soldier, while on patrol outside the wall, was startled by a pack of scouts who seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air, roaring with laughter. “Where’d you kids get all that food?” he snapped with angry suspicion.

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This is Hank.
It's an AU where Garrett Goyle basically manages to stumble upon a fatally injured Hank before anyone else. Through methods of scientific brainwashing and more, Hank has forgotten who he once was and now goes by Hound - a champion of Slaughter Time.

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ShinKimeramon wouldnt “Fear” Examon as it runs on pure savage instinct, but it would get slaughtered sadly 😂

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NEVER forgiving them for how my favorite designs in DB got MANSLAUGHTERED

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G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987) Joe action force must oppose the ruthless Cobra organization that has secretly allied with a subterranean reptilian people who were their founders. Don Johnson, Burgess Meredith, Sgt. Slaughter. https://t.co/QYk95e2MJp

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[Maniacle Laughter]
Tinkaton, the little bully pokemon 😈

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up until some point i would use generators and steal fictional character names then i started bullshitting it + music related names. like jjba. these are vehicular manslaughter, bong water aka violence, the dead days and thejetsetlifeisgonnakillyou, respectively

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meet Ausetta.

"flame-hot blood on ice-cold snow,
vultures caw and ravens crow.
broken swords among the slaughter,
hot blood and cold snow make steam and water."
- Thomas Ware

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I also love your laughter and shouting voice (is it wired to say this lmao) But the most thing I loved is you keep pursuing your dream. I want to be a person like you. No matter what happens, please don't give up your dream. ↓

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