Miffy wishes she could spend every day at the park!

25 130

It’s early in the morning.
Off to school the children go.
Miffy’s in the red dress.
She’s the one we know.

21 96

Shhhhh, Miffy’s sleeping.

29 174

miffy and Hankyu スタンプラリー 8/1(水)~9/24(月祝)  阪急沿線で開催中だよ

56 175

Hi Miffy – do you want somebody to push you higher?

18 94

Miffy can’t find her kite – can you see it?

12 71

So off they went together
to view the gallery.
Miffy was excited -
I wonder what we’ll see.

5 37

Play pass-the-parcel with Miffy to celebrate her birthday – just RT this post! Tag your friends and invite them to play too!

65 76

To celebrate her birthday, Miffy's playing pass-the-parcel. She'd love for you to join in!

33 94

みっふぃーちゃん おたんじょうび おめでと

69 390

Happy Birthday miffy~ !

0 2

HelloKitty Miffy

51 140

Miffy's looking for a new penpal - sign up here!


8 69

Mrs Bunny cleaned the house
and kept it snug and neat
and then she’d do her shopping
from the shops along the street.

5 36

Did you grow those yourself, Miffy?

14 69

Miffy loves to visit the penguins at the zoo!

24 95

Peek-a-boo, Miffy! Just pop the cards together to create your very own Miffy wall art!


14 84

A cool commission from LemLem97
My sissy Miffy bought it for me, since I drew her something sweet.

0 1