[YOI] hello please read this FAIRYTALE AU that fahye wrote https://t.co/Bupx86z8OU (which i drew some pictures for)

1208 2518


9 19

【奧尤】閃閃的愛心九宮格AWA 混進了咖啡廳的衣服跟甜點服裝((欸#

0 6

[YOI] sorry about my furry agenda

399 882

Eu vim provocar sangramentos nasais em vocês RS! ¤;;¤ ♡☆

3 3

"What does Yuri look/act like when he's sleepy?"

158 261

otayuri & grandpa

2638 6847

Otayuri stand preview!! I'm very satisfied with the outcome!! Pre-order open 1-2 days from now!

17 40

I spent my weekend doodling soft morning cuddles.

59 101

[YOI] meanwhile victor and yuuri just went on the ferris wheel 58 consecutive times

2828 4968