Re-found some art I never publicly posted of one of my pirates, Necho! (And his quartermaster, Prexy!)
He's a very very old character, made him sometimes back in 2003?
One day I'll have a finished image of him and his crew!
Until then, Enjoy! 💞

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Bonjour tout le monde ! Je suis illustratrice freelance et autrice handi et neuro atypique, j'aime ÉNORMÉMENT les pirates, dessiner des meufs et les univers aux ambiances travaillées !
Vous pouvez me lire ici :

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The Pirate Lords Series is all finished up, so I thought I'd put them all together! The main theme of this was pirates, so I messed around with it and ended up with these four characters!

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I write dark fantasy too! & horror 😈 my obsessions in life are pirates, fae, & watching an unhealthy amount of t.v.

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Yarrrrr! Today be talk like a pirate day, and there be be no hardier crew on the Ayrshire coast than this 'un! Take to the high seas wi' Wee Granny's Magic Bag and the Pirates, it be available now. Shiver me timbers!

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Keeping myself busy wity this new boy — a Shifter Bard who was adopted by a gang of pirates, and goes by Gray until he likes you enough to give you his real name because he’s kind of a hotheaded baby.

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Hello, . I used to be an illustrator who drew stuff like that first picture, with the pirates, but my vision began to fail and I didn't want to stop drawing, so now I fingerpaint on my iPad.

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Today’s session was an absolute joy. My tiefling bard used Hypnotic Pattern on a bunch of pirates, Suggestion on a bugbear, and a critical success on a Performance check to seduce a sexy pirate captain (and steal her away from our ranger). So much fun. Bards rule.

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💙 Shiver me timbers! Pirates, shark and booze! What's not to like here? We like it a lot when there's a known concept and then taken to a extreme like this.

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Thank you, Cale! The Guardians of Zoone is coming out in January (sequel to The Secret of Zoone) which just came out this year. It's a middlegrade novel featuring portal pirates, a hungry skyger, and some steampunk-style robots.

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Pirates, fairies and the mischievous Peter Pan lurk in the Maze of Maize at this summer! Can you crack the code to the treasure chest?

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/ REH’s “Ladies of Conan” adapted to comic book form:

OLIVIA, originally appeared in “Iron Shadows in the Moon,” published 1934.

Conan is aided by and protects Olivia while dealing with a warrior-lord, pirates, a moonlit curse, and an ape.

Art: J. Buscema, Tomas Giorello

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i give you the captain of the space pirates, a honey badger with metal arms and ears that loves rum and maybe being a little lewd

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Day 6 of pirate! I’m a sucker for pirates, they’re my absolute fav. I also like this gal as a pirate quite a bit.

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👋 dark fantasy writer here, editing this bad boy after 4 years writing it 🙄 if you like pirates, sirens, bloodthirsty soldiers, kick arse women and hard questions then let's chat! My novels theme is can murder ever be justified? 🤔

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Surrounded by sexist pirates, killer sirens and soldiers hunting them down...

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Come and meet the illustrator as his exhibition Pirates, Pants and Wellyphants opens at The Bowes Museum today. Nick will be here all day, happily chatting, drawing pictures, signing autographs and presenting prizes to the winners of our writing competition.

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Le roi des pirates, ce sera moi ! 🏴‍☠️

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