Hemos actualizado la sección de Pokémon exclusivos de por si eso te ayuda a terminar de decidirte por una versión u otra ^_^

Link: https://t.co/5FgLcfNphS

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Me: *thinks the hype for Pokémon is as high as it can possibly get with

: *Drops trailer*


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3 more days let’s go 🧡💛🧡#PokemonLetsGo

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🔥 is next in the countdown!! Lookit those chubby cheeks! Whenever I had an in Blue/Yellow I always evolved it to a Flareon! (Just kidding I could never decide and always left it an Eevee forever...) https://t.co/vorJPGCs0k

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Drawing is always fun, and from the original 151 as we count down toward

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Vileplume se basa en la rafflesia arnoldii, una planta parásita real de los bosques de Indonesia. Su flor, considerada la más grande del mundo, desprende un fuerte olor fétido para atraer insectos.

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my best girl with one of my absolute favorite pokemon? yes please

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getting ready for Pokemon this week

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Decided to draw a classic thicc Pikachu, since let's go is out soon.

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Prepare your Trainer regimen, choose or and get ready to experience the world of soon! 11/16 is getting closer!

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Imagen de los Líderes de Gimnasio de (y comparativa con el arte original):

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Wie stehen die Shiny-Chancen in Gibt es einen Schillerpin? Gibt es eine Methode zum Shiny Hunten? Wir haben diese Fragen ausführlich für euch beantwortet: https://t.co/mpM1TmIQOE

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The countdown continues with Is leafeon your favorite Comment with a 🌿 below to let me know! https://t.co/af6OVfWkOv

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Thank you Pokemon gods for delivering the true quality gaming content: carrying my tiny best monster friend on my head. has stolen my heart and it's not even out till next week.

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Trainer, der GO Park wartet auf euch!
Nur noch fünf Tage und ihr könnt die Pokémon, die ihr in gefangen habt, auf übertragen. Für welche Pokémon werdet ihr euch entscheiden? https://t.co/eBxJKuUBfD

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La espiral de Poliwag está inspirada en los intestinos de renacuajos reales, que se ven enroscados así a través de su piel transparente.

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