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🌸Good Afternoon🌸

How is your day going?? I woke up a bit late, but now I’m finally tackling the day! I’ve got some appts I need to go to and some errands to run, then ending with a nice birthday dinner with friends 💕


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Thanks to Nick Lowe and Zeb Wells I don't care about any spider universe characters anymore. The quality of this run is so pathetic that for me, everyone who wouldn't be missed could die. It's sad when an editorial isn't oblivious to the wishes of the fans.

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A new arc represents an opportunity to attract new readers.

Bringing on as our new artist & adding the “HAUNTING: On the Run” subtitle fosters the sense of an accessible beginning for new readers and an exciting continuation for existing fans

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Tryna keep up with artz, anyways a practice run

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You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that

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One more day and then I wake up to a comic I made being on store shelves! So RUN, not walk, to secure your copy of American Dreams Issue 1!

Huge thanks to for making this happen and all of you for supporting the whole AD team!

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Greetings, adventurers! ✨

Blink and you might miss Solan, an Origin of great speed and strength ⚡

Confident, even to the point of impulsiveness, Solan seeks to outrun any setback he may face 🏃

Only time will tell where he’ll run next 👀

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This is the closest thing we have, althought their archie run was really short it gave us some gems like this one

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The fairies of the forest
They blend with nature
People felt them
Yet no one remembered them
Fairy dust sprinkles down
They your blood
While planting stories in your mind
Fear has you wanting to run
The mystery has you staying

Art by

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Norma still uses what magic they do have to serve under the dark lord. until Lia. Lia had a whole tragic changeling story where she unkowingly grew up w/ the wrong family 4 some reason which led her to eventually run away from home & somehow ends up working 4 the dark lord too.

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This is why we don't run while holding Eleven

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Good Morning Warriors!
Wishing you all a great day!

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." - Michael Jordan

Life = obstacles
We are greater than our obstacles🔥

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good afternoon, happy fasting for those who run🙏

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myeden run was cute

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[LOVELY BOYS RUN - re:Dokidoki Loveunholyc Class]

"기다려, 새로워진 우리들이 널 찾아갈 거야."
"Wait, re:new-we are coming to you."
"Esperadnos, nuestros nuevos yo irán a buscarlos.”
"再等我們一下,我們會以新的面貌跟大家見面"… https://t.co/fV6KmWNCyu

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Do not forget:
-Ryou Watari (center) [Boys run the Riot] {Trans man
-Someone/Anonymous [Our Dreams at Dusk/ ShimanamiTasogare] {Enby}
-Natsuyoshi Utsumi [Our Dreams at Dusk/ Shimanami Tasogare] {Trans man}
-Shūji Misora (both) [Our Dreams at Dusk/ Shimanami Tasogare] {Transfem}

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