It's ya girl Dani Rand here to kick your ass. 👊🐉💥

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Tune in! Jeffery Jeffrey Tucker and 'Ayn Rand' Live today at 12:05pm ET/ 9:05am PT

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Lots of new 8x10 matted prints available at ECCC: Kenzie, Lieam, Rand, & a Goose... 3rd Floor, Booth 116

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Danny Rand, seen here contemplating who, exactly, he is.

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The Fountainhead series...
"A builiding is alive like a man. Its integrity is to follow its own truth..."Ayn Rand

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Talking about Paul Rand on CBC's Q radio show:

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A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand

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Paul Rand | logo designs

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± There is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone. ±
Ayn Rand

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コインRAND先生描き下ろし オトメエレクト! 姫川社 抱き枕カバー ライクプラチナム (CranCrownBlack/予約/2016年4月下旬) イーアラモード本店

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x Kirk!Nick/Rand!Judy💛❤️

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Screw the mainstream media & FOX News! We will NOT be watching the debate tonight –you left Rand out!

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La pregunta no es quién va a autorizarme; es quién va a
•Ayn Rand

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The Rand and The Springbok walk into a bar... part 1.

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New Rand Paul illustration for Mother Jones. Huge thanks to AD Ivy Simones. jones

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