Que digan que ni Chopper con todo su conocimiento médico podría curar una enfermedad mental tan fuerte, y en eso llegue Ryokugyu desde el cielo esparciendo sus pétalos (algo a lo Hiruluk con los cerezos) y sane a los miles de afectados.

0 14

CoC 毒毒
KPC 御使咲良/talosさん
PC 天井護/私


1 4

Cadaver! a tiefling who died in a village raid when he was young, only to be incorrectly resurrected by a well-meaning but inexperienced adventurer. as he aged, white bone-like markings began to develop on his skin, betraying his undead nature.

art c @/Noctalosis & @/DraiadArt

0 3

Après le mew de glace... Voici un metalosse t'y insecte 🐞
Donnez moi des idées les photos !!
🔄 RT fais zizir ☺️

1 5

karl law of talos bottom text hes high oh god

11 44

MHGU is wild because there's the "Fated Four" you fight, Astalos, Gammoth, Mizutsune, and Glavenus

But then they're like, "nah this is the REAL fated four" and make you fight THESE fucked up monsters

That's not even the last urgent quest for offline mode, there's a harder one

0 1

Onde entra a conexão com Nick Fury? Talvez na Terra, ele e o Talos acabem encontrando o Teddy, que estaria sendo cuidado por sua mãe adotiva Mary-Jo Altman que também é uma Skrull, antes do Kl'rt e decidem proteger ele dos outros Skrulls.

1 27

Lo llamé "Base Data" Snowy River Purple + Absolut vodka + schweppes tonica + petalos de flor de cerezo y menta

Suena a locura pero lo hice un día de locura y se veía tal que así, sabía mejor de lo que luce

0 1


Te quiero mucho Collector

Matalos a todos Collector, Matalos a todos, tu solo estas jugando ♡

0 3

Talos as a Demon Slayer

3 4

Living for the astalos and seregios team up
They really are the ultimate bros

0 12

Watched Saint Bernard (2013) this worked for me on two levels 1: a clever surreal social satire & 2: a batsh!t crazy nightmare Fantasy/Horror film. Straight off the bat this really isn't for everyone but it appealed to me. Directed by FX legend Gabriel Bartalos this was a blast👍

8 16

Featuring bombgigante and 🅰️stalos https://t.co/fjQdqhlqKA

0 1

"Entre serpientes y pétalos" Cap 44!
PD: Si alguien hace el reto, etiquéteme! amo ver los dibujos ♥

1 51

Hi, I'm Asturias and

I like muscles. Abs. Pectorals. Deltoids. Biceps. Thighs.
Yeah. Athletic/fit characters give me life. I own a few fit OCs: Talos, Montavious and Asturias.

Abs appreciation post.

1 22

Steve and Astalos. Aaaah Sunbreak is gonna be great

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