Remember the F!Austin doodle, yet I never colored it?
Yeah, here ya guys go

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Vs out!eteled/in!austin

I did not gonna make this mod cuz I don't have laptop or computer to do it-

6 30

I drew Fire!Eteled!
Give this dude some love, their designs are amazing and got some awesome lore going on!

6 27

I'm woke up

And drawing out!eteled and in!Austin irl human form but they still have marks heart and glitches eyes still :'D

6 34

Love Henry💖🪓: what do you guys think on of mug love austin got me!
It wa s just so sweet of him to get me this^w^

9 23

Played with colors I guess enjoy yeah uhm cough

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In!Austin always mad cuz of red pupils but when out!eteled trying to make him calm
His eyes turn white since mean he's calm and sad
He never hurt out!eteled again

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Took a long while but here it is, the first pic introducing my WDY: AU called: "Wii "Fused" You" (aka the Wii "Fusion" AU). 😄🌟 More details about it will be posted on in a later pic, so hope you all look forward to it. 😉🌟

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Here take care of them. im tired for now gotta Sleep😔..

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Lastly... Let me introduce the other characters~

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Changed the Thing around SP’s arm to a sanity checker because I felt like it—

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" .. someone who has a good reason should leave. that's the right thing. make sure you get out this place alive. "


[ , ]

5 15

Looks like someones Mad- (why does my stomach hurt when i Go to twitter-)

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