【ch1】きょう31(火)深夜0時~「注文の多い初キャンプ 完全版」🏕“カリスマキャンプ芸人”が芸能人ファミリーの注文をもとに“夢の初キャンプ”をプロデュース☺海鮮食材で燻製対決🍴巨大遊具作りに挑戦などこれからの季節に役立つ情報満載🍖 https://t.co/oUU3iHFAtC

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🌼🍋Lemon man, aka Angy Gerrumpel, has entered the chat. 🍋🌼

✏️Designed by: @/ch1sh10
🐢CS Terrabon by: @/taugeeee

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We're getting comments!

We liked this one so much, we had to make some doodles of the implications (with permission)...

It's from CH1 p14.

Read it here: https://t.co/lH4kM8geRC

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Here's the Cover Art for those of you on mobile. It's Matron Freyja Gyldenløve. She'll be appearing more in Ch1 & is a HUGE part of the story, as is Capt. Ulixes!(Capt. Verania Ulixes coming soon!)

Freyja's artist: https://t.co/grhMWGmMwi

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Sometimes you just gotta draw a mudkip Don't forget I'm also on instagram @/Candid_ch1mera!
Please don't repost

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We want to say a HUGE thank you to who have meticulously been editing and proofing our stories for months😱
UPDATED Ryosei Main Story Arc and Hajime Main Ch1-10!
*We've also added extra scenes where required😀

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【ch1】23(日・祝)午前10時~ 第1話からスタート🎬 ほか🚩去年10月には待望の演劇化&数々の賞を受賞した「単行本累計300万部」を超える大ヒットコミックのアニメーション https://t.co/4h3MUcn7sP

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【ch1】明日21(金)あさ6:30~ 第1話からスタート🎬大人気コミック「はたらく細胞」が待望のテレビアニメ化🙆‍ ほか https://t.co/EOfbH8pyhP

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【ch1】明日21(金)あさ6:30~ 第1話からスタート🎬大人気コミック「はたらく細胞」が待望のテレビアニメ化🙆‍ ほか https://t.co/EOfbH8pyhP

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【ch1】遂に今週21(金)あさ6:30~ 第1話からスタート🎬大人気コミック「はたらく細胞」が待望のテレビアニメ化🙆‍ https://t.co/EOfbH8pyhP

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Dr. Stone trivia ch140:

Evil volcano Senku, here, instantly reminded me of the ch1 title page Senku (the abs, the pose, the expression). The contrast with current-art-style Senku (the cartoony good-boy with much greener hair, in the foreground) is pretty stark.

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오늘 방송은 밤 8시부터 지키의 채널에서 시작합니다!
[지키&다규&마카오데] 단간론파
CH1.[비일상편] 시작되고 말았다
순식간에 지나가버리고만 일상아닌 일상,
그리고 본격적으로 시작되어버린 비일상
모두 밤8시에 지키의 채널에서 만나요!

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【ch1】21(金)あさ6:30~ 第1話からスタート🎬大人気コミック「はたらく細胞」が待望のテレビアニメ化🙆‍ ほか https://t.co/EOfbH8pyhP

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2020 vs 2016
I found a pdf of ch1 from august 2016 and dear lord

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"Gee, I was reading that "Prologue + Ch1" of SHIFTED again, and noticed that some of that frickin' OST got deleted? I didn't know about that, so if you ever read a chapter and X part had that deleted video screen, I'm so sorry! I'm trying to fix that now. Man, what the hell..."

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【ch1】5(水)よる8時~映画 のび太の新恐竜 公開記念🎬「映画ドラえもん のび太の日本誕生」をOA🌈 🌸新作映画は3・6(金)公開 https://t.co/cAN6uWBbD2

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