It's Kitty, I mean Kate Pryde Coming Out Day! After Decades of Chris Claremont Alluding to the Fact, it looks as if Marvel (via Gerry Duggan) is Finally Going to let Everybody's Favourite Intangible Mutant Pirate Queen Step Out of that Closet! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Art by

51 133

The scene shows Claremont (often accused of inefficient writing) doing a ton of heavy lifting in the interest of the story, characters, and themes, all in a small space. Of course, it’s not word count that decides efficiency; it’s payoff per investment. 9/9

4 79

Claremont was really testing our patience with that one. This page still haunts me lol

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The point is that Claremont and crew had a freedom of expression granted to them that no X-Men writer has had since then – not even innovators like Morrison or Hickman. C’s genius is his own, but his circumstances were ideal in empowering him to make use of it successfully. 5/6

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14. New Mutants Vol. 1 (1985) nº26-28 / Guión: Chris Claremont / Dibujo y Entintado: Bill Sienkiewicz / Color: Glynis Wein

0 3

X-Men: Classic (1982) //
Sunspot (Roberto da Costa)

Story: Chris Claremont, art: Bob McLeod

43 99

Near misses:
1) Claremont New Mutants
2) Niceiza/Capullo X-Force
3) Carey X-Men Legacy
4) Hama/Silvestri/Kubert Wolverine

(Shout out to the various PAD X-Factors as well!)

1 8

Operating for nearly 5 years, the website combines archival information, issue summaries/reviews, a podcast, essays, interviews, opinion pieces, and even an X-Men issue ranking system (with Claremont stories occupying 5 of the top 10, including 1 & 2, just FYI). 2/3

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5-A la altura del nº 20, la serie bimensual de Love & Rockets había acumulado prestigio, y era alabada por Claremont o Alan Moore. Esta portada es un abultado catálogo de personajes de la serie que transmite felicidad. En el interior: la vida misma abriéndose camino a hachazos.

1 2

Cómics viejunos de mi trastero. No recordaba que los tenía. Sobre todo ese Ms.Marvel de Claremont del 79. De Mundi Cómics, el subsello de Vértice que editaba los cómics de Marvel en España en la época

2 21

In this sense, Claremont had a major advantage over other Wolverine writers, in that Logan's power was new to readers and had not yet overaccelerated (leaving writers with nowhere to go and a character who cannot credibly be considered to be in any danger at most any point.) 6/7

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Wolverine’s first interaction with Gambit is a fight. In a simple 3-page sequence, Claremont establishes a dynamic animosity between the two brawlers, a generational conflict between old guard and new, and a tension between nostalgic loyalties and more recent bonds. 1/8

53 260

I do wonder how differently classic comics would've been if Sunfire had been more of a team player and active member. An Asian male superhero in a major comic would've been legendary, especially in Claremont's run, but we didn't get to see that.

0 2

From there, Claremont establishes Betsy as a 100% valid and legitimate hero – if anything, she’s seen to have an excess of the heroic spirit, and the character is then able to move beyond a rough turn in her history to become an elite Marvel superhero. 7/7

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Front cover of La Mode de Paris magazine, 1895. Claremont Colleges Digital Library.

15 78

Front cover of La Mode de Paris magazine, November 1894.
Claremont Colleges Digital Library.

9 55

Front cover of La Mode Ilustree, 1895. Claremont Colleges Digital Library.

10 82