Jacopo Palma il Giovane, Apollo and the Muses Awakened by the Call of Fame, 1590s https://t.co/AvRcPM7M4N

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Henry Bonaventure Monnier, Joseph Prud'homme Standing, 1868 https://t.co/TLyUZ3JZ48

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Isaac de Moucheron, Fantastic Harbor Scene with Architecture and Figures, 1713 https://t.co/oaKP737nes

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Samuel Prout, Facisimilies of Sketches made in Flanders and Germany: Sachsenhausen Francfort, 1833 https://t.co/ErbTZQzg9E

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Isidore Pils, Militaire a cheval (Soldier on Horseback), c. 1860 https://t.co/srpz9PoPhW

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Allart van Everdingen, Reynard the Fox: Further False Testimony from Reynard https://t.co/8kn4sWFS4P

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Albert Besnard, Robert Besnard and His Donkey (Robert Besnard et son âne), 1888 https://t.co/wFxau6WeBz

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Jan van der Straet, called Johannes Stradanus, The Flaying of Marsyas, ca. 1585-1603 https://t.co/NcR64oNT8a

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Francisco de Goya, Bullfights: Pedro Romeo Killing the Halted Bull, 1876 https://t.co/vr7EgHpeqL

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Honoré Daumier, Fathers, plate 13: Come along, dear..., 1847 https://t.co/iN7dO9sE7C

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