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I wonder if the swallow I heard in the garden in July has left the nest and flown south yet.

1 4

I found a cooking book on Ichigo's desk this morning. I'm happy that she likes cooking too!

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I made pancakes today! I like to eat pancakes with maple syrup and butter. How do you eat yours?

3 6

The kids have gone to the park to catch crickets. Oh look!... there's a rhinoceros beetle in the garden!#CookingMama

2 9

Ringo was up early catching beetles! Some of them are pretty big too! Kids love to catch them!

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I'm off to buy a water melon! I'll put it in the fridge and serve it chilled after dinner!

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Papa's outfit in the summer festival pack in the app Cooking Mama Lets' Cook is so funny! Kids love it!

2 7

What are your favorite summer vegetables? Tomatoes? Eggplant? Cucumber? Paprika? Corn-on-the-cob?

3 8

It's almost Obon holiday! This is a Japanese religious custom to pray for the family's ancestors.

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Summer means Sōmen noodles! Put dried bonito stock, soy sauce, mirin in water and boil to make mentsuyu.#CookingMama

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We're going to watch fireworks! In Japan people wear yukata (summer kimono) to watch fireworks!

1 7

Mama loves ice cream! What's your favorite flavor? Mama likes chocolate, vanilla, caramel... too many!

3 4

The sounds of cicada woke me up early this morning.

3 11

It's August and summer is here for sure! What does summer make you think of?

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The buds from the sunflower seeds we planted in the garden popped through the soil today!

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