Me: I can't wait to save money.🤡

My dog: I'm going to run face first into the fence like a psycho and get stuck because my block head shot the wood all the way across the street!

So needless to say I'm broke again...
Skeever is fine BTW! she's too dumb to get hurt ❤️🐾

0 4

パイドパイパーハウス 、閉店の時間となりました。ご来店いただいた皆さま、ありがとうございました。明日も11時〜22時の営業とさせていただきます。
Peace on 🌏

1 25

Art is the triumph over chaos.
John Cheever, American writer

Kaleidoscope Mandalas NFT
NFTs artwork artist

7 24

Been watching them for awhile and I absolutely love the community so had to grab one myself where all my riders at

45 112

Pfff but Mayc are so bored,pff really bored 😢😢🤣🤣 nothing new 😢😡
More excitement from 🤪🥰🥰🚀🚀🚀, ,

10 19

Should i change my Pfp again to a Mayc or will i keep my , I like the most a rider and you ??🔥🔥❤️🚀🚀

14 36

Good night my friends now dinner at the swimming pool and than go to sleep , love you all ❤️❤️🚀🚀

7 26

When we really want 🔥 nothing , not even Bayc, can stop us 😍😍
we are the biggest, best , greatest, smartest and most ❤️❤️❤️❤️ of all communitys 🥰🥰

14 29

Who want to go to space 🚀🚀🚀 my friends and me 💥💥

11 24

Fun ?? always Fun 🔥🤪🤪🤪

We ❤️ all the riders ❤️
the biggest and best community has always Fun ❤️🚀🚀🔥🔥😍🤣🤣

1 3

5 hours , normally you know in 1 minute what you have to buy 🚀🚀
, you know something else ?? 🤪🤪🔥🔥🔥

3 2

GM 🌞
I don't know what has planned to drop today but can't wait to find out after dropping their partnership w/ a few days ago. How they plan to follow that announcement I don't know but I'm here for it LFG!

20 47

If every rider ( 3.5 K owners ) follow each other that would be fantastic 🔥🔥🔥 So begin NOW 👍🚀🚀🚀🚀 Show the world that we are the best & greatest community ❤️❤️💥💥

23 57

Probably soon in the Kennedy space center at Cape Canaveral 😍🤣🚀🚀
To the moon 🤣🚀

17 31